Tuesday, January 11

It May Be Sleeting & Snowing in Chapel Hill, But It's NEVER Too Early to Start Thinking About Grilling Outdoors...

The view from my apartment patio... dreary and snowy and cold.
Well it may be cold and snowing today, but I'm already starting to get excited about summer weather and the outdoor grilling that comes along with it.  I'm thinking grilled chicken, steak, kabobs, brats, veggies, corn, the whole sha-bang!

Miss A and I aren't the most experienced grillers, so I figured it'd be best to begin brushing up on my grilling skillz and safety knwoledge.

I cam across this great blog, Cooking Outdoors, which has everything from proper grilling attire, fire pits, and patio furniture to proper grilling techniques and recommended sites.

The post about grilling safety tips piqued my interest and I learned a lot from it...

Click HERE for Cooking Outdoors Blog's safety tips for outdoor grilling...

So here's to happy grilling and wishing it was summer, even though it's snowing and sleeting in NC and I have a snow day from work!

A great Beef Tagine over Couscous recipe is coming up soon...

Friday, January 7

Did You Know... My New Obsession (Not Related to Food)

I promise I haven't retired, but I haven't found very much time to cook lately.  2011 is not off to such a good start...

But in the meantime, while you're waiting for me to reappear on Blogger, try procrastinating as much as I am by checking this out:

Dear Blank, Please Blank

Here's my first attempt...

Dear DBPB,

Thank you for arranging the Intervention and for not involving A&E.  You've cured me of my addiction to Texts From Last Night.

