Wednesday, October 20

Clear Eyes, Full Heart, Can't Lose: Stay Full, Longer with These Foods

Okay, this has nothing to do with Friday Night Lights (my obsession with the show isn't that bad), but it has everything to do with being full.
One of my biggest eating problems is that I overeat.  I LOVE how food tastes and feels in your full stomach, so much so that I have a hard time deciding when full is full enough.  If it tastes good, I'm going to keep enjoying it.  And eating fast is my other downfall--if you eat quickly, your body doesn't have enough time to register that it's full, so you end up eating more before you realize you're full.  Eating more = consuming more calories = the potential to gain weight.
So what foods keep you fuller better than others?  
1. White Potatoes.  Carbs are on many people's black list of foods and avoiding the bad ones, or at least limiting consumption, is probably a good idea.  But white potatoes are packed with fiber and are one of the most filling foods.  But don't be fooled, potato chips and French fries aren't the same as white potatoes--processed potatoes aren't as filling or satisfying as steamed potatoes, which have been found to keep you full up to 3x longer than the average food.
2. Eggs.  I am eggstatic that these protein-filled foods are on this list.  They've been called the "perfect protein" and protein is known to be a key-player in satiety.  Egg whites have less calories, but the yolk is where the good fats and proteins lie.  They're easy to season and are great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  The more protein you eat, the less likely you are to eat more of the other stuff.
3. Oatmeal.  Eat up like Goldilocks and you're sure to be satisfied and full.  Okay, it's not porridge, but it's better for you and tastes even better!  It's the most satisfying breakfast I've ever eaten; it's packed full of protein and has more per serving than any other grain, plus it's high in fiber.  Add some blueberries on top for a dose of anti-oxidants or a low-fat dairy, like skim milk or yogurt, to keep you healthy and full all morning.
4. Beans.  Make like Jack and the Beanstalk and eat up!  Another fiber-filled food means that they're processed slower in the stomach and last longer in the stomach, meaning you'll feel full longer, lasting well after they've been eaten.  Just make sure to have some Gas-X ready!
5. Fish.  "Down here all the fish is happy; As off through the waves they roll; The fish on the land ain't happy; They sad 'cause they in their bowl..."  Flounder and Sebastian know how important and good fish are, but you have to pick the right kinds.  Sushi is delicious and just like so many foods on this list, is packed with protein.  It will fill you up, but you'll be hungry fairly soon after.  Cooked whitefish keeps you more full than sushi; steam or grill a thick whitefish, like cod, bass, or halibut, and you're guaranteed a full tummy.
6. Soup.  Chunky, broth-based soups with lots of goodies will fill you up!  Be careful though - many soups are ridiculously high in sodium, which will not only fake your tummy out, but will bloat your tummy too.  Look for Chunky Progresso Light varieties, which are low in sodium and full of ingredients--veggies, chicken, rice, or noodles--all keeping you full longer.
7. Apples.  An apple a day will keep the doctor away.  Okay, they might not keep the doctor away, but it will keep the hunger monster away.  The high-water content of apples makes them have more bulk and a lower energy density--meaning that you get more food for less calories.  Plus apples are full of fiber!
8. Beef.  Where's the beef?  Iron, zinc, and tons of protein mean you get a lot of bang for your buck.  The benefits of beef are overwhelming; pair it with a some bulgur wheat, whole grain rice, or some other high-fiber side dish and the kitchen is closed after dinner!
9. Salad.  Salad is bulk without the added calories.  Eating salad at the start of a meal will get your metabolism revving before you start filling up on the higher calorie foods.  Add some high protein chicken, vitamin C stuffed broccoli, good fat avocados, or fiber-filled tomatoes and jump the nutrition value up on your salad.
10. Popcorn.  Surprise, surprise that movie treat is good for you!  It's a great snack that provides bulk and makes you chew more than most foods do, meaning you're burning calories (no matter how minimal) while you eat.  And my new favorite seasoning to add--lemon pepper!  Sure, popcorn gets you the same amount of calories as potato chips or pretzels, but the airy snack makes you work harder for the same amount of calories, making it a surprisingly good choice for a snack.    

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