Friday, October 15

Dinner Tonight: Celebrate Friday with Wine & Cheese

All good Friday night dinners start with a good wine...
For tonight we chose a delicious California White Wine, a combination of Chardonnay, Moscato, and Chenin Blanc... a yummy 2009 from The Fresh Market.  Plus what a fun name!

 And then A and I decided to use some of the biggest tomatoes we've ever seen (again from the Fresh Market), slice some fresh mozzarella on top, and add large leaves of basil on top... YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!!!

And A drizzled some delicious wonderful aged balsamic vinegar on top.

But we needed some meat with those tomato, basil, mozzarella stacks... Prosciutto it is!

And that delicious golden cheese is one that our friend B discovered with us when she visited, a Sturminster.  a creamy cheese with chives from the UK.

Cut up a fresh French baguette, some Carr's crackers (the cracked pepper flavor is my favorite) and perfetto!!!

We were low on my favorite balsamic Manicardi, a magical vinegar from Florence aged 12 years, so we supplemented with this store brand.  Surprisingly, the Harris Teeter balsamic was fantastic.  It wasn't a Manicardi, but it was great (and if you've never had the Manicardi, you wouldn't know the difference).

And voile, a yummy floor-ready, TV-friendly Friday night dinner!  Cheese and wine will make any meal feel more sophisticated (or romantic, depending on who you're eating with).  The tomato, basil, mozzarella stacks are a staple of my family's menu and are a great appetizer to bring to a party.  They look beautiful, festive, and fancy -- taste even better -- and are so so so easy to make!

Happy Friday!!  I'm doing a Habitat for Humanity build tomorrow with A.  We have to rise and shine extra early on a Saturday... we start building at 8:30am!  I'm sure they'll be some funny stories and pictures to share, so although it's not food-related, I might just have to share!

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